707 Operations has opened bookings on the steam hauled GRAINLANDER® day train on Saturday 3 of September 2022.
Your train journey will begin as we depart from the Wycheproof railway station at 9.20am bound for Sea Lake. At Sea Lake you will have two hours to explore the township. A boxed lunch is provided with your rail fare on this journey on the train. The return train from Sea Lake to Wycheproof will arrive in Wycheproof at 2.45pm.
For all bookings: www.trybooking.com/BZQID
For more information: www.707operations.com.au
707 Operations has opened bookings on the steam hauled GRAINLANDER® day train on Saturday 3 of September 2022.
Your train journey will begin as we depart from the Wycheproof railway station at 9.20am bound for Sea Lake. At Sea Lake you will have two hours to explore the township. A boxed lunch is provided with your rail fare on this journey on the train. The return train from Sea Lake to Wycheproof will arrive in Wycheproof at 2.45pm.
For all bookings: www.trybooking.com/BZQID
For more information: www.707operations.com.au
What's on in Wycheproof